Ahmed Yahya Wadhah
Time:2018 02 01 Click:14008

I count myself as one of the lucky ones however, because my dad is doctor and had attended many seminars in mostly in the city of Beijing in China and was already aware of how great the country was. Due to this, when I did not get enrolled into a medical school in my country, my dad enquired from a very promising group of interns whom he himself was pleased with, and was told Hebei North University was the place to go for foreigners seeking to study medicine in China.
We found out that it the tuition fees was very affordable and the cost of living was surprisingly low as well, not to talk of the ease of application and securing a student visa. It did not take long to finish processing all necessary documents and I was on my way to China in time. I was still not satisfied all this time and I had not cleared all the doubts I had about the country. However, that did not take too long as the Beijing Capital Airport itself proved to me that China was far ahead of many developed nations in this generation.
I was more than happy when I found out that I was receiving a higher quality of education than what I was refused back in my country and now I can boldly say that coming to China was the best decision of my life.