Nikon Ti-U Inversed Fluorescent Microscope
This device features and technical parameters:
1, with bright field, phase difference, the digital camera (more than 5 million effective pixels), image acquisition and analysis of computer processing systems, micro video recording capabilities.
2, CFI60 infinity optical system; has a bright field, dark field, fluorescence, difference functions.
3, research-grade special flat-field fluorescence objective: long working distance type: 4 , 10 , 20 , 40 ; 100X oil immersion (NA1.30).
4, light source: 12V 100W halogen bulb.
5, with a green filter (GIF), daylight compensation sheet (NCB), frosted sheet (D), the dimming sheet (ND) and the imaging system, (GIF) a green interference filter can be used for monochromatic monochrome contrast microscopy and photomicrography improved.
1, turn the power switch microscope, fluorescent generator power switch, if necessary, photography, turn on the computer and programs.
2 Preheat 15min.
3, the sample was observed to be on the platform, the optical path of the microscope nosepiece to the right of the "eye" side.
4, open the left side of the transmission light switch, adjust brightness adjustment dial to adjust the light brightness.
5, select the appropriate objective observation samples.
6, the adjustment to the minimum brightness adjustment dial, lens rotating turntable beneath fluorescent, fluorescent observation sample adjustment needed.
8, the optical path converting dial to "L" side of the computer can be displayed in real time, you can take pictures or analysis.
9, the operation ends, adjust brightness adjustment dial to a minimum, turn off the transmission illumination switch, then turn off the power switch microscope, fluorescent generator power switch.
10, turn off the computer and monitor.
11, in the inverted fluorescence microscope, using a recording of the recording process on the use of information and use of personnel, such as the instrument without exception, recording good start fluorescent generator power switch.
12, clean up the test station, microscopes and other equipment to cool before cover.
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